Residents of Saskatchewan’s North - Definition

A Resident of Saskatchewan's North (RSN) is defined as:

  • A person who has resided in Saskatchewan's North for a period of 10 years or one half of his or her age, whichever is lesser. Such a person:
    • shall not lose status by relocating outside of Saskatchewan's North for educational purposes;
    • shall not lose status by relocating outside of Saskatchewan's North for five years or less; and
    • shall regain status if he or she has lived outside of Saskatchewan's North for more than five years but re-establishes primary residency in Saskatchewan's North at the time of hire.
  • A person who transfers from one mine operation in Saskatchewan's North to another, or is re-employed within one year after leaving mine employment in Saskatchewan's North, and who met the criteria of a Resident of Saskatchewan's North contained in the applicable Human Resource Development Agreement at the time of recruitment to that operation.


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