A New Legacy Begins

On April 11, 2016, community leaders from across northern Saskatchewan, Cameco, and AREVA Resources Canada Inc. announced the establishment of a legacy trust fund to provide funding for community projects for decades to come.


The Six Rivers Fund is for the north, by the north. 

It is a trust fund to help northerners today, but more importantly it will grow. The idea was brought forward by northerners many years ago at a roundtable with Cameco. Eventually this led to a working group of leaders representing all regions of northern Saskatchewan. Now a not-for-profit organization – the Six Rivers Fund – will help all northerners benefit from the uranium mining industry long into the future.

Here's a look, in pictures and video, at the launch of the Six Rivers Fund on April 11, 2016.

For more information, please visit www.sixriversfund.ca 

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People from throughout the province arrived in Buffalo Narrows on Monday, April 11, 2016 for an important announcement that will have a positive impact on all of northern Saskatchewan. 

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Hand drummers from the Buffalo River Dene Nation began the day’s celebrations with an honorary welcome song.  

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Victor Fern from Fond du Lac made the official announcement to media and norther leaders. This announcement marked the launch of a not-for-profit organization that will oversee a legacy trust fund to ensure benefits of the uranium mining industry continue long into the future. The Six Rivers Fund has four board of directors, one from each region of northern Saskatchewan. This includes Fern, who chairs the group.  

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The money flowing to the fund comes from a revenue stream provided by Cameco and AREVA. Cameco president and CEO, Tim Gitzel, talked about what a momentous day this was for northern Saskatchewan.  

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A Northern Spirits band that included musicians from all across northern Saskatchewan provided entertainment, while reminding everyone what the legacy fund is really about – young people.  

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Twin Lakes Community School provided a wonderful traditional meal that included smoked fish, moose meat stew, wild rice and blueberries.  

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The Six Rivers Board and some of their original working group members posed for photos with several northern leaders who attended to celebrate the launch.

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