Aboriginal scholarships: Cameco announces partnership with Indspire
April 25, 2014
Cameco is proud to announce an exciting new partnership with Indspire, the largest supporter of Indigenous education outside the federal government.

Indspire is a national charity that is dedicated to raising funds that deliver programs and provide the necessary tools for Indigenous peoples, especially youth, to achieve their potential. Indspire believes that Canada's future prosperity is dependent on Indigenous education.

Cameco is a long-time supporter of Aboriginal education through Indspire and a number of scholarships including our previous Northern Scholarship Program for students from communities within the Northern Administrative District (NAD).
Beginning this spring, Cameco's new partnership with Indspire will allow Aboriginal students in northern Saskatchewan even greater access to scholarships and bursaries, as well as networking and mentoring opportunities.
Cameco's financial support of the Indspire's Building Brighter Futures program has established the Cameco Corporation Scholarship for First Nation and Métis Students which will help Indspire disburse much-needed financial support so young Aboriginal people from northern Saskatchewan can reach their full potential.
To date, Indspire has awarded more than $54 million in scholarships and bursaries to First Nation, Inuit and Métis recipients across Canada.
Non-Aboriginal students from northern Saskatchewan will continue to be supported by a variety of Cameco-sponsored scholarships that will require direct application through the University of Saskatchewan and SIAST. All students who are residents of Northern Saskatchewan will remain eligible for Cameco's employee dependent scholarship program as well.
For more information and to apply:
All of Cameco's past aboriginal Northern Scholarship recipients as well as new aboriginal applicants from the NAD are now encouraged to apply directly to Indspire:
Here, they will find a wide variety of scholarships they are eligible to apply for in the following categories: Fine Arts, Trades and Technology, Oil and Gas, Health Careers and Post-Secondary Education. All of these bursary and scholarship categories are supported by the new Cameco Corporation Scholarship for First Nation and Métis Students.
Or you can contact Indspire's bursary and scholarship officers directly:
Suzanne Bradley at 1.855.INDSPIRE (463.7747) ext. 253, or via email at sbradley@indspire.ca
Rachel Hill at 1.855.INDSPIRE (463.7747) ext. 020, or via email at rhill@indspire.ca
Application deadline: June 1, 2014 and November 1, 2014