Cameco reports Q2 results and decision to suspend production at MCA/KL for an indeterminate duration

Cameco has released its consolidated financial and operating results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2018. 

“Our results reflect the impact of a weak uranium market and the deliberate actions we have taken driven by the goal of increasing long-term shareholder value,” said Tim Gitzel, Cameco’s president and CEO. “We continue to expect to generate strong cash flow this year as we draw down inventory and focus on operating efficiently. However, we have not seen the improvement needed in the uranium market to restart McArthur River and Key Lake.

“This means we will extend the suspension of production at McArthur River and Key Lake for an indeterminate duration. It was a difficult decision to make, because of the impact it will have on our employees, their families, and other stakeholders, but we must take this action to ensure the long-term sustainability of the company. We thank our workforce for their hard work and dedication.”

Read the full investor news release at