Cameco has contracted Athabasca Catering since it began operations in 1992. They consistently provide high-quality catering and food services, housekeeping, and janitorial services at all Cameco’s northern Saskatchewan operations.
For more information or to learn about career opportunities with Athabasca Catering, please visit the Athabasca Catering website.
Since 1988, Cameco has contracted NRT to transport a wide variety of equipment, supplies and uranium products. NRT’s expertise in navigating the challenging northern Saskatchewan’s roadways, combined with their ability to meet our regulated handling and transport requirements, are valued attributes.
For more information or to learn about career opportunities with Northern Resource Trucking, please visit the NRT website.
Cameco contracts PBN to provide general construction and maintenance support, roadway maintenance and environmental waste management services for Cigar Lake and our McArthur River/Key Lake operations.
For more information or to learn about career opportunities with Pinehouse Business North, please visit the PBN website.
Since 2000, Cameco has contracted a wide variety of construction, maintenance and specialized project installations from Points Athabasca at all our sites. Their contributions to the development of the Cigar Lake operation through construction and commissioning stages have been significant.
For more information or to learn about career opportunities with them, please visit the Points Athabasca Contracting website.
Tron was one of the first northern Saskatchewan contractors that Cameco began working with, almost three decades ago. Today, they continue to provide their expertise in a wide variety of construction and maintenance projects at our northern Saskatchewan operations.
For more information or to learn about career opportunities with Tron, please visit the visit the Tron website.
Starting with around 20 employees in 2002 and working only with Cameco and Orano in northern Saskatchewan, Athabasca Basin Security (ABS) has now grown to 250 employees across Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba.
For more information, visit the Athabasca Basin Security website.