Post-Secondary Scholarships
The following scholarships, funded in whole or in part by Cameco, are available to specifically to residents of Saskatchewan’s north.
Cameco - Northern Saskatchewan Scholarship

The application process for 2024 is now closed.
The Cameco Northern Saskatchewan Scholarship recognizes and supports students who are residents of Saskatchewan’s North (RSN) in their pursuit of post-secondary education.
With a focus in the mining industry, annual scholarships of up to $5,000 are open to RSN students attending 1st or 2nd year technical programs, or 1 to 4 year university programs. Scholarship renewals are also available. Renewal is not guaranteed and a new application must be submitted each year.
For more information, download our program brochure Cameco Northern Saskatchewan Scholarship
Bernard Michel Scholarship

Application deadline - June 1
The Bernard Michel Scholarship provides support for a Saskatchewan aboriginal student entering their second or third year of study within the College of Engineering or College of Arts & Science. Preference is given to Aboriginal RSN students. Arts and Science students, to be eligible, must be pursuing the following degrees:
- B.Sc. Geology
- B.Sc. Geography
- B.Sc. Biology
- B.Sc. Computer Science
- B.Sc. Toxicology
- B.Sc. Chemistry
- B.Sc. Physics
- B.Sc. Environmental Sciences
The total award value includes two $5,000 scholarships over a maximum of two years, renewable once for a total potential award of $10,000 per student. Renewal eligibility is based on successful academic promotion as determined by College regulations and maintaining full-time student status. Recipients are guaranteed summer employment with Cameco following their first award.
For more information and to apply, please visit
Bernard Michel Scholarship Program
University of Saskatchewan - Scholarships
phone: 306-966-1212, extension 4
Athabasca Basin Scholarship Program

Application deadline - July 31
The Athabasca Basin Scholarship Program is funded by the Yá thi Néné Collaboration Agreement between Cameco, Orano (formerly Areva) and the seven Basin communities of Black Lake First Nation, Fond du Lac First Nation, Hatchet Lake First Nation, Stony Rapids, Camsell Portage, Uranium City and Wollaston.
The scholarship is open to residents of the Athabasca Basin as defined in the Collaboration Agreement and provides funding for post secondary education.
For more information and to apply, please contact:
Athabasca Scholarship Selection Committee
Yá thi Néné Land and Resource Office
Box 310 Fond du Lac, Sask S0J 0W0
phone: 306-477-1251
email: Dene Robillard, Yá thi Néné Land and Resource Office
To apply, sign in to Export Database and search scholarships
English River First Nation - Flowing Rivers Scholarship

Application deadline early September
The Flowing Rivers Scholarship is funded by the English River First Nation’s (ERFN) Community Benefits Trust, and made possible by the Collaboration Agreement between ERFN, Cameco and Orano (formerly AREVA). Any registered ERFN band member, pursuing post-secondary education at an accredited university, technical or trade school, is eligible to apply. Students enrolling in mining-related courses are given preference.
Up to ten $1,500 scholarships are available each year; three awards each for first, second and third/fourth year students and one award for masters/doctorate students.
For more information, please visit:
English River First Nation
phone: 306-221-8285
email: Kristina Duffee, ERFN AESSP Counsellor
Lac La Ronge Grade 12 Scholarship Program

Application deadline - August 31
The LLRIB scholarship program has been in existence since 2003 with limited funds for Post-Secondary Students. As part of the Collaboration Agreement, Cameco contributes $50,000 to scholarship programs annually, based on matching contributions from LLRIB. In addition to the LLRIB’s $50,000 portion, Kitsaki Management Limited Partnership will also contribute $50,000 for a total of $150,000 to be awarded to full-time post-secondary students.
For more information, please contact:
Lac La Ronge Indian Band Education Department
phone: 306-425-4938
Apply for this scholarship online
Southend - Thakotitan Scholarship and Bursary Program

Application deadline - June 30, supporting documentation - July 15
The Thakotitan Economic Development Corporation offers three scholarships for post-secondary education, based on academic performance, to student residents of Southend or Kinoosao. In addition, bursaries may be available, based on the number of applicants.
For more information, please contact
Thakotitan Economic Development Corporation
Charlene Morin
phone: 306-758-4822
email: for information or a copy of the application
Download application form - coming soon
The following scholarship opportunities are available for any qualified students. While preference is not given to residents of Saskatchewan's north, qualified northern students are encouraged to apply.
Cameco Corporation Scholarship in Engineering

Application deadline - October 1
To recognize academic achievement of undergraduate students who are pursuing a bachelor of science (B.Sc.) degree in engineering with an interest in metallurgy and mineral processing in the mining industry.
Candidates must be pursuing a B.Sc. in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering or geological engineering at the University of Saskatchewan and entering their third year of study. This scholarship consists of two annual awards of $5,000 each, renewable once students successfully register for fourth year of study for a total potential award of $10,000.
Preference will be given to chemical engineering students. Candidates must submit a letter outlining their interest in the mining industry, including any previous work experience.
For more information and to apply, please visit
Cameco Corporation Scholarship in Engineering
University of Saskatchewan - Scholarships

Cameco - Gabriel Dumont Institute
Application deadline - May 1 and October 1 annually
The Cameco Scholarship is open to full-time, Métis students who demonstrate leadership, academic achievement, financial need, and community involvement while pursuing post-secondary accreditation in one of the following:
- Trades
- Business administration/commerce
- Computer science
- Other fields of study related to Cameco
For more information, please visit:
Gabriel Dumont Institute
For information on scholarships: